
Understanding and Navigating the 2025 Year of the Snake

This 2025 year of the Yin Green wood snake which officially ‘emerged’ on Feb 3rd is about shedding old belief systems that have not been serving us. It is about writing a new story, or chapter for our life this year that involves more exuberant energy overflowing with life and creative ideas. This year of the snake offers even more opportunities to expand our intellect and creativity.   Each year, Chinese cosmology consists of three aspects: 1. One of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals, 2. one of the five elements which are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, and 3. either yin or yang. These three aspects provide information about each year’s energetics and contribute to guiding a person in making life-affirming choices.  Hence, this is the year of YIN WOOD SNAKE      Snake: Snake is a...

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Embracing Winter’s Wisdom

As Winter season really settles in with the cold, the stillness and the hibernation of nature, it is worth understanding the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) regarding Winter. The Winter TCM story is of our Kidneys which is a holistic concept encompassing our deepest reserves of energy and our capacity for growth and renewal. TCM teaches that our Kidneys are intimately linked with Winter and are our deepest source and storers of wisdom and knowledge, but when we are over worked, stressed, and under rested we have trouble accessing that wisdom and will feel exhausted, troubled and fearful. In fact truly physically trouble kidneys can bring on thoughts of dying and the fear of death. Therefore, just as with all of nature of which we are a part, we must use the Winter as...

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Gastro-Intestinal Disorders – Heartburn / GERD – How Acupuncture can help

Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture and herbs can significantly relieve or eliminate symptoms by treating the root of your problem. Why Heartburn Happens: In people with frequent heartburn, the lower esophageal sphincter muscle may be weak, or relax too frequently, allowing stomach acids to get into the esophagus. It is not usually a problem of ‘too much stomach acid’. Taking antacids and other acid reducing drugs is often a bandaid for the symptoms and does not correct the underlying cause. Often when people try to stop taking these drugs, the acid reflux can re-occur even more severely. Symptoms: Along with burning pain of the esophagus a person may also have pain with swallowing, nausea, burping, excessive saliva, cough, hoarseness, and bitter taste. The Oriental Medical Perspective on...

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Stress Anxiety Depression – How Acupuncture can help

Numerous studies have demonstrated the substantial benefits of acupuncture in the treatment of stress, anxiety & depression. Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine can significantly alleviate and even eliminate: – Anxiety and anxiety attacks – Depression – Emotional distress – A wide range of physical symptoms caused by stress Stress is experienced by everyone in a variety of ways. The bottom line is that with stress, our body’s chemistry and hormones are set to fight and or run. For many of us this never lets up which is when all kinds of emotional, mental, and physical problems start occurring. How does Acupuncture and Herbal medicine reduce Stress symptoms? Acupuncture works by regulating the nervous system which changes the chemistry of the body. Studies have shown that with needle...

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Acupuncture for Headaches, Migraines, Cluster Headaches

Oriental Medicine / Acupuncture for Headaches, Migraines & Cluster Headaches Acupuncture is more effective than medication in reducing the severity and frequency of chronic headaches, according to a new analysis conducted by Duke University Medical Center researchers. The pain that headache and migraine sufferers endure can impact every aspect of their lives. Acupuncture can offer powerful relief without the side effects that prescription and over-the-counter drugs can cause. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs have been used to relieve Headaches and Migraines, as well as their underlying causes, for thousands of years and is a widely accepted form of treatment for headaches in our society.There are two basic strategies for treating headache with Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine: First is to...

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WHAT IS ACUPUNCTURE? DOES IT HURT? These are the two most commonly asked questions about Acupuncture. Acupuncture is a form of medical treatment that encourages your body to promote and participate in its own innate ability to naturally self-heal. Acupuncture helps your body to improve and optimally maintain all of its functions biochemically, physically, emotionally, and mentally. In addition to being a superb preventive and maintenance medicine, it also works safely and excellently along with conventional medicine to effectively treat a wide variety of health disorders. In most cases, the use of acupuncture enhances and safely integrates with all other modalities of health care. WHAT IS ACUPUNCTURE AND HOW DOES IT WORK? In summary, Acupuncture is the insertion of very fine needles (as...

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Acupuncture’s Role in Treating Pain

Acupuncture's Significant Role in Treating Pain and its Causes Whether you have chronic or acute pain, there is a lot of evidence-based research to support the healing and pain-relieving effects of acupuncture for a wide range of issues. How do we address your unique issue? At Niantic Acupuncture & Family Wellness, we have worked with a large variety of issues causing pain – including muscle, fascia, joint, bone, tendon, nerve damage or impingement, and even scar tissue. Because every single person who walks through our door has a unique way of manifesting his or her injury and pain, our treatments are tailored to many factors: Your pain tolerance along with the nature and severity of injury. The extent of the tendon, muscle and fascia connective tissue involvement, The presence of scar...

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Now is a Good Time to De-Stress And Reboot Around The Holiday Season

The holiday season is upon us – a time that should be filled with joy and celebration. However, this time of year comes with its own set of unique stressors. Some of these stressors include the pressure to make the season perfect, overextending ourselves financially or with commitments, losing touch with our healthy practices, and overindulging. We tend to put a lot of pressure on ourselves this time of year and people often report the biggest source of stress can come from their own families. In addition , the prevalence of celebratory gatherings can lead to either being forced into uncomfortable social situations or being excluded and isolated. All of these can lead to feelings of worry, sadness, and frustration. It is normal to have these feelings but when they become overwhelming,...

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Turmeric Tea Recipe

Try this Turmeric Tea recipe for pain and inflammation of muscles, joints,and injuries. Circumin, the bioactive compound found in turmeric, has been shown in many studies to help relieve anxiety, depression, pain and inflammation. Turmeric Tea Recipe 8 Cups of water 2 Teaspoons of Turmeric, ground, fresh sliced or grated 2 Tablespoon Coconut oil which enhances the bio-availability of turmeric. 1 tablespoon of Ginger, best fresh sliced or grated, but powered is OK 1/4 Teaspoon of Cloves (vehicles that helps ingredients transport through the blood stream and is also anti-fungal and anti-parasitic) 1/2 Teaspoon of Cardamom, whole or ground. Cook at simmer for 20 minutes, strain and keep in large juice or mason jar in refrigerator. Drink two heated cups a day. A cup before bed makes waking...

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Do it for yourself! Acupressure points to use to reduce your pain

Ling gu Da Bai He Gu These three points on the hand are probably the most famous for their relief of low back pain and sciatica. They can also help with menstrual pain, headaches, foot pain, knee pain, Bell's Palsy, TMJ, toothaches, and much more. Pressing and kneading these points is necessary. Use the hand on the opposite side of your pain. For example, if you are having sciatica on your left side, press and knead these points on your right hand for several minutes and then move around a bit to test how you feel in the area of pain while continuing to knead the point. All of these points can help pain generally but in particular: Ling Gu, the one at the top pertains more to lower body pain from mid back to toes Da Bai, the lowest point and He Gu, the more centered point between your...

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Your path to a balanced healthy life