Embracing Winter’s Wisdom

As Winter season really settles in with the cold, the stillness and the hibernation of nature, it is worth understanding the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) regarding Winter.

The Winter TCM story is of our Kidneys which is a holistic concept encompassing our deepest reserves of energy and our capacity for growth and renewal.

TCM teaches that our Kidneys are intimately linked with Winter and are our deepest source and storers of wisdom and knowledge, but when we are over worked, stressed, and under rested we have trouble accessing that wisdom and will feel exhausted, troubled and fearful. In fact truly physically trouble kidneys can bring on thoughts of dying and the fear of death.

Therefore, just as with all of nature of which we are a part, we must use the Winter as the season of storage and introspection. It’s when nature – and we – are called to rest, reflect, and replenish.”

By doing so, we can rise to the occasion as Spring with all of her energy begins her ascent, we will have the stores and the energy to rise with her.

Here are some of my suggestions of what you can do to rest, reflect, and replenish:

Nourish your kidneys and kidney energy, by making soups or bone broths. Including ingredients such as leafy darker greens, and warming spices like cinnamon and ginger. It’s also important to reduce your intake of raw foods during the colder months, as they tend to cool the body and deplete its digestive “fire” which interferes with the ability to assimilate the cells of the food you are eating. Other good winter food options include soups and stews, lamb, chicken, eggs, root vegetables, kidney and black beans, walnuts, and black sesame seeds.
Cultivate Stillness: Set aside time each day for quiet reflection. This could be journaling, reading, or simply sitting in peaceful contemplation. Either Meditation or meditative activities fit this category. I am one to spend time with writing, laying a set out of my Mother Peace tarot or throwing yarrow sticks for an I-Qing meditative reading.
Honor Rest: Allow yourself to sleep a little longer. I have found as Winter comes on and the days are darker earlier, my body urges me to head to bed earlier. Your body naturally wants more rest in winter – listen to it!

Here at Niantic Acupuncture, we are available to support you in your efforts to tap into your body’s innate ability to heal and rejuvenate and we are happy to answer any questions about what we provide and how we can help you. Please feel free to learn more about us at our website: NianticAcupuncture.com or feel free to email Maggie or Bernadette at info@nianticacupuncture.com

Your path to a balanced healthy life